Movie Webpage Project


Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Mr. Mueller, my SEP 10 teacher, told us to make a webpage about any movie out of our own imagination or it could be based on an existing movie. This project requires a partner to work with. The title of our movie webpage is Time Return. My partner and I created several different unique names, but Time Return stood out the most to us.


We have to create a webpage that uses what we have learned so far in HTML and CSS. For the HTML(Hypertext Markup Language) portion, there should be headings, paragraphs, div(s), span(s), customized Google fonts, inputs, and a submit button. On the CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) portion, background color, margin, padding, border, CSS selectors: element/class/id, and 2 local images(must be downloaded). For the cherry on top, we need to include credits and sources that me and my partner used to make the webpage. The credits/sources have to be put at the top of the index.html as a comment.


The most challenging I have gone through was planning on what movie my partner and I should create. There's a million of ideas we can choose and sometimes it can be overwhelming. Another challenge I faced was collaborating with my partner outside of the school building. There were some times either my partner or myself would be occupied with something else. Designing the webpage is another challenge because it was the same situation my partner and I were in when creating an idea of a movie. For coding in HTML and CSS, mistakes do occur. Mistakes show us we are trying to improve.


Preview of the project
Code of the project